lg g6 camera test
lg g6 camera test


LG G6 versus Huawei P10: camera shootout (4k)

TheLGG6andHuaweiP10bothhavedual-camera,butthatdoesn'tmeanthattheyusetheminthesameway.TheHuaweiP10hasmonochromeand ...

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Test-driving the LG G6's camera

The G6 has two rear cameras and a front-facing shooter with a wide-angle lens. Check out how well all these cameras can take pictures.

The LG G6's camera is brilliant for outdoor shooting

I took the new LG G6 all around Barcelona to test out its camera. I love the shots I got and the wide-angle lens is a lot of fun.

LG G6 camera review

評分 85% · Lars Rehm · The G6 main camera performs remarkably well in low-light situations. Good edge detail is maintained across the ISO range and even images ...

LG G6 review: Cutting corners... Like a pro: Camera

Video quality. The G6 records videos up to 4K resolution with both of its rear cams. There's also 1080p recording in both 30fps and 60fps, the ...

LG G6 vs LG G4 Camera Test

Both look reasonable, but I feel the G6 is the winner here. Its output is better with lighting contrast, and because of that, noise is less obvious.

LG G6 Real Camera Review

LG set a high standard for phone cameras with the V10, and it was something of a disappointment to find the G5 did not inherit all of those ...

Samsung Galaxy S8 vs LG G6 Camera Test Comparison

11:37 Go to channel Galaxy S8 vs LG G6 Full Comparison (With Camera Test) Danny Winget•1.2M views 7:31 Go to channel HTC U11 vs Galaxy S8 Camera Test Comparison

LG G6 Camera Review One of the Best Camera Smartphone?

Lg G6 smartphone camera review with sample pictures & videos the LG G6 has a dual 13MP rear camera setup and a 5MP front facing camera and I ...

LG G6 versus Huawei P10: camera shootout (4k)

The LG G6 and Huawei P10 both have dual-camera, but that doesn't mean that they use them in the same way. The Huawei P10 has monochrome and ...


TheG6hastworearcamerasandafront-facingshooterwithawide-anglelens.Checkouthowwellallthesecamerascantakepictures.,ItookthenewLGG6allaroundBarcelonatotestoutitscamera.IlovetheshotsIgotandthewide-anglelensisalotoffun.,評分85%·LarsRehm·TheG6maincameraperformsremarkablywellinlow-lightsituations.GoodedgedetailismaintainedacrosstheISOrangeandevenimages ...,Videoquality.TheG6recordsvideosupto4Kresoluti...